01/11/12 00:32

No update last week and none agian this week I’m afraid.
I’m back in crunch mode at work. Just got home now, at half past midnight. I’m just going to have to admit that regular updates are going to be very difficult. I still love drawing Otherworld and still intend to finish this story, but I have to balance what is becoming a very demanding work schedule with family time. I have pencied the next page but haven’t inked it yet. When time permits I will continue putting out pages, but the truth is it still takes about 4 hours to make a page which doesn’t sound like much, but I need to switch off once in a while. So there it is.
I would recommend, if you like the comic, to RSS this page or like Otherworld on Facebook, that way you will now when I update.
When this project is done I’ll start burning this puppy up again and you will see more frequent updates whenever the pressure at work is lower. Right now as we close in on the end of preproduction, a lot of work needs to be done and I’m a pretty hands on person. On the plus side, the game is shaping up nicely. I look forward to people seeing it.
I think I’ll probably post a status each week regardless of whether there is a page or not, rather than just sort of hiding through embarrassment. So at least anyone who wants to keep up a dialogue can.
So till next week, when hopefully there will be better news!
Chapter 3 Page 105
18/10/12 23:03
Click here for the New Update.
Read on from last week here.
Been a bit crunchy at work, but still we got an update this week, so that’s good.
Next week might be tight, but we’ll see.
Read on from last week here.
Been a bit crunchy at work, but still we got an update this week, so that’s good.
Next week might be tight, but we’ll see.
Chapter 3 Page 104
14/10/12 21:33
Read on from last week here.
Better late than never, I say! I guess Last week’s evening activities took more time than I expected. (Plus Dishonored came out. OOps.)
All the comments are back. Thanks Disqus!!!
I”m glad we are out of the corruption again. Foggy is not fun in this style, but there you are.
I will be aiming for another update this week.
See you then.
Oh, By the way, in case you missed it, here’s a YouTube link to the project I’m Game Directing: Yaiba, Ninja Gaiden Z.
Better late than never, I say! I guess Last week’s evening activities took more time than I expected. (Plus Dishonored came out. OOps.)
All the comments are back. Thanks Disqus!!!
I”m glad we are out of the corruption again. Foggy is not fun in this style, but there you are.
I will be aiming for another update this week.
See you then.
Oh, By the way, in case you missed it, here’s a YouTube link to the project I’m Game Directing: Yaiba, Ninja Gaiden Z.
Chapter 3 Page 103
04/10/12 21:47
HIYA! Read on from last week here.
Really simple page this week. Seems like a con almost. Sorry but it’s setup. Tell you what, if you want to know what next week holds in store, and can’t wait, you could vote on Top Web Comics.
It’s a spoiler though. Up to you.
Tell you what, it’s good to draw Eden again. Missed her.
Next week I have work commitments during the evenings, but I should still be able to update. If not Thursday, then Friday for definite.
On the comment front, Disqus contacted me and said the import failed because of an error on their part, and that they were queuing it again. Still no joy yet, but they are at least trying.
Really simple page this week. Seems like a con almost. Sorry but it’s setup. Tell you what, if you want to know what next week holds in store, and can’t wait, you could vote on Top Web Comics.
It’s a spoiler though. Up to you.
Tell you what, it’s good to draw Eden again. Missed her.
Next week I have work commitments during the evenings, but I should still be able to update. If not Thursday, then Friday for definite.
On the comment front, Disqus contacted me and said the import failed because of an error on their part, and that they were queuing it again. Still no joy yet, but they are at least trying.
Chapter 3 Page 102
28/09/12 20:55
Read on from last week here.
I tried really hard to get this out Thursday, up till 2am last night working on the page (we were in last week of the month semi crunch time on Yaiba NGZ!!) I actually got the page finished last night but was too tired to do the website update, so without further ado.. Here it is.
This page ended up being a lot more work than I’d hoped, but Im pretty pleased with it. Better than the last few pages.
This is the week Katlyn’s fortunes change, but for the better?
Next week we will see something new-er. Looking forward to it. I feel like this particular scnee has been as much of a trial for me as it has been for Katlyn. Fuck me, she’s a fighter though.
We all got to be, I suppose.
Till next week. Here’s hoping the comment fiasco is sorted by then.
Eden McCrea never expected anything bad to happen when she and her friends decided to explore an abandoned cinema, but when they stumble on a five hundred year old conspiracy of astonishing proportions she finds that not only is her own world far more dangerous than she'd ever imagined but that there even worse ones out there.
Otherworld follows the adventures of two very different girls as they peel back the fabrications that have hidden the facts behind the folk tales of the British Isles and beyond. It is a modern day Urban Fantasy drawing on the celtic myths of the Tuatha de Danann and the mystery of conspiracy theory adventure stories.
Otherworld is updated once a week, on or before Friday with several new pages. Get updates so you can read new pages as soon as they are up with the RSS button on the bottom of the sidebar to the right, or by liking the Otherworld Comic page on facebook.
I tried really hard to get this out Thursday, up till 2am last night working on the page (we were in last week of the month semi crunch time on Yaiba NGZ!!) I actually got the page finished last night but was too tired to do the website update, so without further ado.. Here it is.
This page ended up being a lot more work than I’d hoped, but Im pretty pleased with it. Better than the last few pages.
This is the week Katlyn’s fortunes change, but for the better?
Next week we will see something new-er. Looking forward to it. I feel like this particular scnee has been as much of a trial for me as it has been for Katlyn. Fuck me, she’s a fighter though.
We all got to be, I suppose.
Till next week. Here’s hoping the comment fiasco is sorted by then.
Click here to begin from the beginning

Eden McCrea never expected anything bad to happen when she and her friends decided to explore an abandoned cinema, but when they stumble on a five hundred year old conspiracy of astonishing proportions she finds that not only is her own world far more dangerous than she'd ever imagined but that there even worse ones out there.
Otherworld follows the adventures of two very different girls as they peel back the fabrications that have hidden the facts behind the folk tales of the British Isles and beyond. It is a modern day Urban Fantasy drawing on the celtic myths of the Tuatha de Danann and the mystery of conspiracy theory adventure stories.
Otherworld is updated once a week, on or before Friday with several new pages. Get updates so you can read new pages as soon as they are up with the RSS button on the bottom of the sidebar to the right, or by liking the Otherworld Comic page on facebook.
24/09/12 21:57
JS-Kit is shutting down its free comments service on 1st oct.
I am shutting down comments while I try to move the old comments to a new provider.
Wish me luck, but er... psychicly since there are no more comments.
I am shutting down comments while I try to move the old comments to a new provider.
Wish me luck, but er... psychicly since there are no more comments.
14/09/12 22:10
What another update?
06/09/12 22:11
Continue from last week here.
Oh the madness. Good to get back in the rhythem, as much as possible.
Truth is, I can’t really guarrantee that I’ll have the time I’d like to dedicate to Otherworld, over the rest of the year, so there are likely to be gaps.
For instance, the week after next is TGS, so I’ll be in Japan all week. Sadly no update on the comic that week....
But the new game I’m working on will be announced.... oooOOOOooo.
Oh the madness. Good to get back in the rhythem, as much as possible.
Truth is, I can’t really guarrantee that I’ll have the time I’d like to dedicate to Otherworld, over the rest of the year, so there are likely to be gaps.
For instance, the week after next is TGS, so I’ll be in Japan all week. Sadly no update on the comic that week....
But the new game I’m working on will be announced.... oooOOOOooo.
31/08/12 22:30
Hey there! New page here.
Been while. Since I last updated, I had a greenlight, went back to blighty (just for a holiday, unfortunately) had my main hard drive fail and grew my beard longer.
I can almost hear these words echoing. Been a month and a half since i last posted. Ah well. If anyone is still out there- HI!
I’ve decided to start moving the story along a bit faster. Maybe a bit less sellf indulgent fight scenes.
I could write it in prose and skip ahead? Illustrated book style?
Nah that’s not what you want.
I just have to get back in my groove.
Anyway, Hope you’ve all been well. See you next week?
Been while. Since I last updated, I had a greenlight, went back to blighty (just for a holiday, unfortunately) had my main hard drive fail and grew my beard longer.
I can almost hear these words echoing. Been a month and a half since i last posted. Ah well. If anyone is still out there- HI!
I’ve decided to start moving the story along a bit faster. Maybe a bit less sellf indulgent fight scenes.
I could write it in prose and skip ahead? Illustrated book style?
Nah that’s not what you want.
I just have to get back in my groove.
Anyway, Hope you’ve all been well. See you next week?
16/07/12 00:47
Hello Peeps,
Terrible news and great news.
Sorry for not updating. Its been a very long time. I apollogize for letting you down. I deserve a good punching.
Bad me. Lets just skip ahead to the future.
The good news is this: The game I’m working on as a game director got greenlit!!
That means there is a good chance that there willl be a jolly good game coming out in in the future, fingers crossed.
That is only part of the terribe news.
The rest of the terribly bad news is that I have no chance to update the comic before mid August.
I know that you invest time checking here, and every time it doesn’t update it is a grievance for you.
We entered a bargain. I would tell you a story, and you would make time in your schedule to listen. I massively apreciate all of you that have responded to the comic.
I’m renaging on my end of our agreement. I feel realy bad about that.
All I can tell you is that Katlyn is not going to end on a dead comic.
Terrible news and great news.
Sorry for not updating. Its been a very long time. I apollogize for letting you down. I deserve a good punching.
Bad me. Lets just skip ahead to the future.
The good news is this: The game I’m working on as a game director got greenlit!!
That means there is a good chance that there willl be a jolly good game coming out in in the future, fingers crossed.
That is only part of the terribe news.
The rest of the terribly bad news is that I have no chance to update the comic before mid August.
I know that you invest time checking here, and every time it doesn’t update it is a grievance for you.
We entered a bargain. I would tell you a story, and you would make time in your schedule to listen. I massively apreciate all of you that have responded to the comic.
I’m renaging on my end of our agreement. I feel realy bad about that.
All I can tell you is that Katlyn is not going to end on a dead comic.