01/11/12 00:32

No update last week and none agian this week I’m afraid.
I’m back in crunch mode at work. Just got home now, at half past midnight. I’m just going to have to admit that regular updates are going to be very difficult. I still love drawing Otherworld and still intend to finish this story, but I have to balance what is becoming a very demanding work schedule with family time. I have pencied the next page but haven’t inked it yet. When time permits I will continue putting out pages, but the truth is it still takes about 4 hours to make a page which doesn’t sound like much, but I need to switch off once in a while. So there it is.
I would recommend, if you like the comic, to RSS this page or like Otherworld on Facebook, that way you will now when I update.
When this project is done I’ll start burning this puppy up again and you will see more frequent updates whenever the pressure at work is lower. Right now as we close in on the end of preproduction, a lot of work needs to be done and I’m a pretty hands on person. On the plus side, the game is shaping up nicely. I look forward to people seeing it.
I think I’ll probably post a status each week regardless of whether there is a page or not, rather than just sort of hiding through embarrassment. So at least anyone who wants to keep up a dialogue can.
So till next week, when hopefully there will be better news!