Chapter 2 Finish
09/05/11 21:04
Chapter 2 is over. Read on from last week here.
Hope you like these last 3 pages. They are ever so slightly NSFW, but don’t get your hopes too high.
Otherworld is going on a short break next week preparing for Chapter 3. That doesn’t mean no updates though.
Early next week I will post the Article that describes how I draw Otherworld in Manga Studio EX.
Most of next week will be devoted to painting a new full colour promotional piece, similar to the Katlyn one I did in February. That should go up at the end of next week so there’s plenty of reasons to drop by.
I also want to fix some continuity issues in Chapter 1, so if I get time I’ll be doing that too.
Hope you are enjoying Otherworld so far. The adventure really has only just got started and it’s heading to quite a conclusion, I promise. There are about 70 scenes to go, and the entire time Eden and Katlyn have been in the Farm house would be counted as one scene. So I suspect we are talking about a 2 year project in total for Part 1.
There’s lots of cool stuff I can’t wait to get to, but you have to have your setup before your denouement.
Hope you like these last 3 pages. They are ever so slightly NSFW, but don’t get your hopes too high.
Otherworld is going on a short break next week preparing for Chapter 3. That doesn’t mean no updates though.
Early next week I will post the Article that describes how I draw Otherworld in Manga Studio EX.
Most of next week will be devoted to painting a new full colour promotional piece, similar to the Katlyn one I did in February. That should go up at the end of next week so there’s plenty of reasons to drop by.
I also want to fix some continuity issues in Chapter 1, so if I get time I’ll be doing that too.
Hope you are enjoying Otherworld so far. The adventure really has only just got started and it’s heading to quite a conclusion, I promise. There are about 70 scenes to go, and the entire time Eden and Katlyn have been in the Farm house would be counted as one scene. So I suspect we are talking about a 2 year project in total for Part 1.
There’s lots of cool stuff I can’t wait to get to, but you have to have your setup before your denouement.